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Chris027 last won the day on November 27 2020

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  1. I have the emails. I couldn’t believe what they were telling me. I think it’s draconian to require a published physical address, in order to route email. I also know they don’t enforce it for every domain, thus my “certain domains” comment. Given that receiving email at one of these addresses is difficult, every member of my community who has an address at one of these addresses, also has one at a service that works much better.
  2. Just an FYI, I don't allow people to signup on my site with @t-online.de addresses either. The sole reason is that t-online.de has draconian policies about blocking mail from domains it doesn't like. They actually told me I had to post my physical home address on my website in order to allow their users to receive email from my domain. I just tell people, "You are not allowed to use that email address on this site."
  3. Using the follow feature is too "inside baseball" to hook causual readers. One has to know where to look for the follow button and understand it. On the other hand, if a writer could put an email address form in each article and say, get notified each time I post, people would be much more apt to understand it and use it. I'd like to bring on a few mroe writers and provide them with their own spaces / clubs. They will build their own followings and possible their own sponsors. I want to make things as easy as possible for them.
  4. I have writers who want their own club section and want to give people the ability to subscribe to the club like a substack. In other words, receive articles written for the club as an email notification. I realize people can kind of do this already but it would be awesome to have a box where people could enter their email addresses to subscribe to a club.
  5. Ok. It would be nice to discuss in another topic. One sub-topic is how some of us currently make manual adjustments so our ads aren’t blocked by the popular ad blockers. It’d be great to eliminate this need.
  6. Very nice looking and nice features. Please keep in mind that many of us use advertisements as our main source of funding to keep our sites going. I don’t see much room for ads in any v5 snippets.
  7. Given that FTP/SFTP access to IPS Cloud isn't allowed, it would be nice if the media uploader accepted more file types. Not all files are for playback or viewing directly inside a browser. I want to offer my readers a FLAC file to download within an article, but can't upload it via the media uploader. Because I'm still self hosted I will SFTP it to the server, but it would be nice to have this capability for when I eventually move to the cloud. Accepted file types js, css, txt, ico, gif, jpg, jpe, jpeg, png, mp4, 3gp, mov, ogg, ogv, mp3, mpg, mpeg, ico, flv, webm, wmv, avi, m4v, webp, m4a, wav, pdf, svg
  8. Thanks. I'll see if I can let them know and if they'll work on not identifying it as such.
  9. Hi Guys, I just noticed that Proton Mail identifies spacer.png as a tracker in the email sent from my site. Here's the message I get in my mail client. Question: Is spacer.png really a tracker, and if so how can I stop it from being used in my community? Or, is this a misidentification?
  10. I just don’t see myself looking at the providers page, then going to their individual pages, then looking at apps. Most of the apps I use were found by browsing here, not even searching. I’m guessing I’ll gradually use the stock, less good, version of Invision Community. Kind of a bummer.
  11. Very nice. One thing I’d love to see is the ability to restrict dark mode to specific user groups. This would be nice because we sell subscriptions that remove advertisements. Dark mode works great for subscribers, but for those who see the ads dark mode would make the ad images look really strange.
  12. I think I figured this out. It's a way for scammers to test stolen credit cards to see if they still work. Had it happen today.
  13. Doesn’t make sense to me. If I’ve already captured the reader, I could encourage him/her to sign up and follow my site, on my actual site. Or, I could send him/her packing and hope he/she follows my site on CH and doesn’t find too much other content. Everyone’s time is limited. Sending someone away, where there is competing content, makes no sense to me.
  14. Why would I want to send readers to another site to follow my own site?
  15. Yes, we need this in V5 (without even seeing V5)!
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