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Caiden Spencer_321044

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  1. Thank You UPDATING NOW I've updated, pagination works however pulling an image seems to not be working? Ill PM you about this one.
  2. Hi, I'm trying to get this to work on my forum but it isn't working. http://theappleforum.com ???
  3. Hi Mike I'm experiencing certain issues with Portal https://www.theappleforum.com/app=portal&module=portal&controller=portal?page=2 Trying to press 'page 2' etc.
  4. REALLY hanging for this truncating posts with images Disable 'Pages'
  5. This worked... is it possible to put it on the right side ? How would I do this in CSS?
  6. Hi Mike, Is there any way in the portal to display for each post the number of views the article has had? Bottom right of the post? Thanks in advance~!
  7. Any update on Truncating posts feauting images?
  8. http://www.devfuse.com/forums/tracker/issue-1482-portal-0-in-byline-text/ Manual Patch: Open theme editor > portal > front > browse > topicRow Find and Remove: {$topic->comments(1)->post_key}
  9. I produce the same error.. Also is it possible to Truncate and include the image?
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