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  1. Idea - The ability to set a delayed lock of a post, with a notification to people in the thread or currently typing that it will lock in # number of minutes/hours. Another issue, that people who are posting or have posted before a thread gets locked, that they will completely lose whatever they typed when that happens. There should be a 'sandbox' or a window in a thread that keeps content despite the thread being locked for a certain amount of time to enable people to repost it in another thread.
  2. So one issue I have is that I occasional have to lock a thread, while people may still be about to post in it, unfortunately those posts can become lost if they happen to try to post or refresh the page after it's been locked. I would appreciate an option to allow certain groups to still make a post X minutes after a topic has been locked.
  3. I should clarify that I mean it did happen with google ad code on my site (and not the announcement block like the OP) in case anyone else had the same problem but didn't have an announcement block. I'm not blaming Invision for breaking things that aren't anything to do with Invision's code/updates.
  4. Note this can also happen due to google ad code, so you might need to check & update whatever code you're using from google and/or change it to a google responsive ad code instead.
  5. I've got the same issue but I'm on a self hosted.
  6. Can we get an option for each sub-forum to show more than 25 topics per page. I have a couple of sub-forums where I'd like to increase it to say 50 per page while keeping it normal on the rest.
  7. Is this in addition to regular google ads or as a complete replacement?
  8. Does this replicate the old "Promote to article" functions of 3x? I have a database. They create forum threads. In 3x I would then promote the forum thread to an article. The comments were the same, in effect all three were linked. The "Copy to Database" doesn't work like that, it makes a separate article to the forum topic. Very messy.
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