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  1. Thank you very much @Adriano Faria, like many years ago, you solved my problems. Missing your online users today and latest topics, But got 'sticky notes' that is superbe. The translation was obsolete (about 11 years), found and uploaded a version less old (2022) and everything worked as intented to do. Again thank you, it's a pleasure to see you here.
  2. Yup, I didn't know it. II will delete it immediately, thank you so much!
  3. @Nathan Explosion That did the trick! Thank you so much!
  4. Where can it be the error if I see this raw (%s alle %s )code instead of real datas? It happens in my language (italian), if I switch it to english the problem disappears.
  5. Hi all, I m facing an issue described in the subject. From admincp log: IPS\Db\Exception::1364 INSERT INTO `ipb_core_reputation_index` ( `member_id`, `app`, `type`, `type_id`, `rep_date`, `rep_rating`, `member_received`, `rep_class`, `class_type_id_hash`, `item_id`, `reaction` ) VALUES ( 1, 'forums', 'pid', 78477, 1703684445, 1, 2799, 'IPS\forums\Topic\Post', '418cb08783ec966ec54cca1cad5ea341', 4198, 1 ) Field 'misc' doesn't have a default value and I don't know if it can be helpful, backtrace: #0 /home/***/public_html/forum/system/Db/Db.php(941): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery() #1 /home/***/public_html/forum/system/Content/Reactable.php(122): IPS\_Db->insert() #2 /home/****/public_html/forum/system/Content/Controller.php(3238): IPS\forums\Topic\_Post->react() #3 /home/***/public_html/forum/system/Content/Controller.php(2425): IPS\Content\_Controller->_react() #4 /home/***/public_html/forum/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php(1276): IPS\Content\_Controller->__call() #5 /home/***/public_html/forum/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(107): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_topic->__call() #6 /home/***/public_html/forum/system/Content/Controller.php(50): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #7 /home/***/public_html/forum/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php(39): IPS\Content\_Controller->execute() #8 /home/***/public_html/forum/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_topic->execute() #9 /home/***/public_html/forum/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #10 {main} What is missing?
  6. Hi, I am trying to hold updated the scripts of a community belt on 2010, but closed after some year due the time that I hadn't to dedicated to it- I remember that the community script had many 3rdy part hooks, but there was a basic configuration not bad, as online users, basic statistics, birthdays and so on, on a basic side. I dont know if I am wrong but there isn't nothing similar anymore, correct? Or do I have to flag on some option?
  7. Hello, Terab. I'm missing something...is there the opportunity to have available the green bar on post view, under the avatar, like in the old 3.1.4? I'm really missing (perhaps) why isn't it visible at all here in IPB forum. Please, let me know. A lot of users played to say thanks with visible rep. green bar on post view.
  8. yes, stoo2000. Exactly what you've said (example the "pin" used for the map, and a "Member map" as description). It should be nice really. :thumbsup:
  9. Yes stoo2000 *so fast answer this genious :thumbsup:
  10. stoo2000, you deserve a billion of + for this job. I've always gave up with member map on other systems due the complexity, rescues and server load. It looks very light, simple to install and nothing to do else than upload file and click on "install". My answer is: is there a way to display the button as "pinned" on membermap on topic profile of every user pinned, and the map in the profile itself of the user? Forgive me in advance if the request was already done, and the best compliments for the great application!
  11. Put on the forum's root the script below (from SMF), rename it for security proposal, and you'll have valid response and suggestions. Run it like: www.mysite.buh/forum/status.phpstatus.php
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