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ModCP: Admins should be able to access by default


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Earlier today I removed the "Administrators" and Super Administrators" user groups from the Moderators section under Member > Staff in the ACP. This removed the "ModeratorCP" link, moderator tools and the "Manage Blocks" section from the front-end.

At first, I didn't notice this and didn't know what was causing this. After a while, I remembered that I had moved the admin user groups away from ACP > Members > Staff > Moderators. After putting those groups back in place I was able to use the Manage Blocks sections and ModeratorCP.

As a administrator, I feel as if I should be able to have access to the ModeratorCP and the Pages' Manage Blocks/Page Builder without having to add the Admin group to as a Mod.

I know that the "Administrators" user group is already placed inside the "Moderators" section by default when you install IPS but it would be nice to be able to remove it and still be able to manage the ModCP. Removing access to the "Manage Blocks" and Page Builder is not okay.

This was written at 5:42 am PST... after drinking 4 cups of coffee. I apologize in advance for any confusion.

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I would speculate this is because not all admins are moderators. For an example if you hired a designer to work on your live site and gave them admin access to do their work for you, you'd probably not want them to have any moderator control on the front end... :)

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I agree with @AndyF.  One thing IPS focused on with IPS4 is more granular control over Admin / Moderator permissions.  I don't want to see IPS go backwards here.  

In your case, you can alternatively remove the Admin group as a mod, or set baseline permissions, and create secondary groups with the additional permissions sets you want to have.  Assign to users the secondary groups (permissions) they should have.  This is all part of the more granular control mentioned above.  

Just because you let someone into the ACP for something, doesn't mean you want them to be able to manage blocks and re-arrange your homepage.

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In full agreement with both of the above posts. For example, on my site I have an account group for third-party developers, the majority of whom only need access to one or two parts of the ACP. Now I would need to remove access to moderator controls each time a dev needs an account? No thanks.

I understand where the OP is coming from, though. It does seem logical that admins would just have what moderators have but I like the choices IPS have made with this structure.

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On 21/02/2017 at 7:36 PM, Simon Woods said:

In full agreement with both of the above posts. For example, on my site I have an account group for third-party developers, the majority of whom only need access to one or two parts of the ACP. Now I would need to remove access to moderator controls each time a dev needs an account? No thanks.

I understand where the OP is coming from, though. It does seem logical that admins would just have what moderators have but I like the choices IPS have made with this structure.

I agree the logic is sound, as you say, not all admins will be moderators and be required to access the ModCP tools.

I just wish they would take this logic into the pages module. I wanted to be able to give access to one member to be able to moderate articles (News Editor), but without having to give them moderation access to the forums, but seems that we can't do that and In the end I had to make him a moderator whether I like it or not.

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