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Pages - Bug or how it works


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So lets say I do the following.

1. Create a 3 column page called Tennis, this is a landing page for articles, forum posts, gallery images ect...

2. Create a database called Tennis

3. Use the database widget for the articles in Tennis landing page in a column

When you click on a Article from the Tennis Database block, it doesn't go to the article, it stays on the page and rams the thing into one of the three columns.

Is this how it is supposed to work?  Or have I structured this wrong.

How would I get it to go to an article view the way it would when you access it from the list view of articles in the database.







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Yes, I’m afraid that is all working as intended. I think we had this discussed in another topic: Whatever widgets you put on the database entry page, will also appear on the page of the single article. 

Regarding the video: If you add additional fields to a database, they will by default be displayed in a list of “mini-widgets” all floating together on the right side. A useful example is the list of skills here or in the bug status tags in the bug tracker. 
A video won’t look good there automatically. Either: Don’t use a video field at all and put the video in the main content field. Then it will look good by default. Otherwise you would have to manually edit the record view template for that database and add the field at a position where you want it. 

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I sort of had to do it I guess. 

This is actually incomprehensible to me.  What website or system does this?   I can't think of a single website, where on the front page showing a list of the latest content, doesn't take you to that content.

Can this be overridden?

I bet I could poll thousands of people asking them what they think would happen clicking on one of those links, and not a single one even consider it pulling the data and showing the article in place.


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I can't think of a single website, where on the front page showing a list of the latest content, doesn't take you to that content.

​It does take you there. When you click the article you get to a new page with a new template. Check the URL! It’s just that layout including all widget is loaded there as well. 

If you don’t want the second and third column on your article page, you also can’t have them on the front page. 

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ARRGHGHHG!! LOL!  Ok, thanks for your patience. I think I figured it out.

Adding the Database Widget associates the database with the page.

I though, since there was an article template selection in the db, that it functioned on it's own so to speak.

You need to do the following.

1. Make Tennis Landing Page

2. Make Tennis Articles page

3. Put Tennis DB into Single Column Tennis Articles Page

4. Use Latest Records on Tennis Landing Page, not the DB Listing.


So I assume it will be possible to syle Latest Records to have a thumbnail and article snippet.


Phew.  I was thinking this was extraordinarily weird.


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ARRGHGHHG!! LOL!  Ok, thanks for your patience. I think I figured it out.

Adding the Database Widget associates the database with the page.

I though, since there was an article template selection in the db, that it functioned on it's own so to speak.

You need to do the following.

1. Make Tennis Landing Page

2. Make Tennis Articles page

3. Put Tennis DB into Single Column Tennis Articles Page

4. Use Latest Records on Tennis Landing Page, not the DB Listing.


So I assume it will be possible to syle Latest Records to have a thumbnail and article snippet.


Phew.  I was thinking this was extraordinarily weird.


​Hopefully, I can follow your notes, I messed with this for the longest time yesterday and never did get to where I wanted to be.  Strange thing is, I set it up in 3.4 and thought it was pretty simple at the time.  Of course that was more then a year ago, I was thinking, has my memory gotten that bad.  I really struggled with it yesterday.  Guess I'll try, try again.

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I'll try it again.

1. Create a page call it Landing Page, make it three columns.  

2. Create a database called Topic

3. Create a page called Topic Page, make it single column

4. In the layout editor for Topic Page, add the Database block. It's now associated with that page. When you drill into an article it will use that layout in place.

5. In the layout editor for Landing Page, add the Latest Records block.

6. That will now take from the three column Landing Page to the Topic Page associated with the db view and show an article how you would expect it.

Now we need a Latest Record widget that shows thumbnail and bit of text and we are in business!

Does that make more sense?


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How is it possible to make it three columns? I dont have that option in the section where I add a new page.


​1. Go to Pages>Page Management > Pages

2. Create New

3. Use Page Builder, not Manual HTML

4. The next page should have an option for Template, default is Two Column.  You can select Three, two or single.


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When adding a page yesterday it had a tab called "content" with {database="1"} inside. I guess that means that the content should refer to the first ascending database in the row.

Today when adding a page I dont have this "content" tab, only "details" and "title & metatags" Why is this? How can I then decide what content the page should show?


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I don't recall the content thing, unless that on manual mode perhaps?

You add content to the page by dragging in widgets/blocks, or associating a database using the Database widget.

You could even add the WYSWYG widget and type stuff in directly.

When you go to the Page on your site, there is an arrow that pops out on the left side. This will allow you to add the blocks or database.




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When adding a page yesterday it had a tab called "content" with {database="1"} inside. I guess that means that the content should refer to the first ascending database in the row.

Today when adding a page I dont have this "content" tab, only "details" and "title & metatags" Why is this? How can I then decide what content the page should show?


Like socceronly said: Your page can be in Page Builder Mode or in Manual Mode. The first is drag-and-drop (without a content field for manual code), the second one needs you to code what’s on the page. 

I also have this one thing that I cant figure out... can you please  tell me how to make the lay out and front images with text like on these articles? http://typography.guru/
Its done by pages.

​There are too many steps in too many different places to walk you through all that. Sorry. If you understand HTML/CSS good enough, you can just look a the page source code and replicate it—if you are not familiar with that, it’s too time-consuming to explain. You might need to hire someone or ask a friend who is a web developer. 

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I would always avoid bridged software where possible. They are just not meant to be used as one consistent site. You have 3 pieces of software to maintain: Main software A, main software B and the bridge solution itself (C). Even if you manage to set it up once to look consistent (which is already a pain in the a**), if will probably break again in the future, when you upgrade A or B and C might stop working. If you can make it work with one software (even when that means making some compromises), go with that. 

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Can you tell me why? :)

​If the entire company of IPS and the entire community of WP or Drupal got together and made it their holy mission in life to make the software compatible. 

There would still be problems.

There is some legit weirdness in Pages, but I suspect it will evolve fast on the new platform, and given it's all a suite  now get a lot more love from the devs and themers 


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