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3.1 Feedback


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Here's a few of my initial thoughts on IPB 3.1 - I've rated them too, 1-10, with 10 being things I consider most important. Overall I think it's a great update :thumbsup: just a few things that need addressing imo..

Notifications 10

These are a really nice addition :) but I think they need a little work or they are quickly going to become extremely annoying for users.

Notification content

I think whenever possible, the (popup) notification itself should contain the info needed, not a link to another notification which contains a link to get to where you want (or sometimes no link either just info, and no way to 'reply' too). I think for status updates the ability to reply there and then ought to be added. Make things as easy as possible without the user having to jump thro hoops to get to where they want.

So member status update notifications should include the text of the notification itself, and a box to let you reply there and then. OR, the notification itself and a link to the page where you can reply (I think I may prefer the former)

Quote notifications should also be included in that initial popup, along with one link to the post with your quote (do people really need the link to the original - given that it will be linked to in the quoted post anyway, and people will want to see the reply first before the origina post?

Notification popup close

Clicking away from the notification box should make it disappear. I was typing a reply, hit preview and a notification came up.. so I think it would help to make it easy to close the box. Lol it just happened again, this time went over the 'preview post' button so I had to use the back button (for people using IE that would mean them losing everything they typed for their reply/thread)

Put more info in the Notification page links

Include more info in the links itself - so people don't have to click on the link to see what the notification is about (so can more easily digest info > mark as read if necessary). I'm talking about this page: http://community.invisionpower.com/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&area=notificationlog

So for eg, where it says:

A post you made has been quoted

Could be:

A post you made has been quoted
In thread: 3.1 Feedback

Automatically mark notification content as read, on reading

Not sure how you'd implement this technically, but when you've viewed an item that's in the notification list, it should be marked as read automatically. People don't like doing things twice (even if it seems like twice). (You may need to change the thread marking system to accommodate this too cos of quoted posts).

'New' blog comment graphic - still not going to first unread comment 10

On forum homepage, blog block. Not sure if this is going to be addressed with a blog update, but currently it's not working as you'd think it would; that is when a new comment icon shows, clicking on it goes to the first unread comment.

View New Content link - doesn't contain status updates? 7

Think it should - as it's new content too :-/

Anyway these are my initial thoughts - as usual not final, just initial thoughts that may need exploring further.

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Love the notifications (especially the notification of being quoted - ace idea) but think they would work best in a *ehm* global sidebar %7Boption%7D

I'd guess IP.C2 will have a notifications and status updates block (which you can then put on any page you want). Maybe we should start pestering Brandon for it now just in case!
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I think my input on this is a Backwards and forwards link when viewing notifications in your UCP and in the popup. Also, I think this may be a bug, the ability to click on the Notifications tab after viewing a notification so that you can see your list. ^_^


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Love the notifications (especially the notification of being quoted - ace idea) but think they would work best in a *ehm* global sidebar %7Boption%7D

What about a global slidebar? (from the top - click to expand - shows neat little list of notifications with adequate info)

It's such a neat addition that really could be made more of - think the slide method would be very suited to this.
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I will say again what I said in another topic.

I have to say I'm not a big fan of the notification pop up which becomes a little annoying after a while... I would prefer icon(s)/bar thingy as in Facebook.

Notifications themselves are a great idea, what I don't like so much is a pop up every time there is one (or a group, I understand is not a pop up per notification but per refresh if there are any). Imagine if you have a lot of friends doing a lot of stuff. The amount of pop ups all the time would want to make you turn the notifications off.

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I will say again what I said in another topic.

I have to say I'm not a big fan of the notification pop up which becomes a little annoying after a while... I would prefer icon(s)/bar thingy as in Facebook.

Notifications themselves are a great idea, what I don't like so much is a pop up every time there is one (or a group, I understand is not a pop up per notification but per refresh if there are any). Imagine if you have a lot of friends doing a lot of stuff. The amount of pop ups all the time would want to make you turn the notifications off.

Best option might be to make the pop up a lot less intrusive.. A bit like the facebook notification pop up. It's tiny and unobtrusive.
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I had to disable the pop-up as it quickly became annoying.

A global side bar would be nice, however now there are too many items for it, so perhaps we should be looking at a left and right hand sidebars to hold all the items. Don't forget that many mods also add bits.

If members could add and remove items it would be fine.

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My thoughts after a while of using it/making sure I'm not missing things:

There needs to be an easier or more intuitive way to close the inline notification. Whether that's adding a "close" button like other popups, or making clicking outside the popup close it [I wouldn't mind both], there needs to be something. A first-time user won't associate "ignore this" with "make this popup go away".

There should be a way to cycle through unread notifications through the popup--if you get multiple ones on a page load, you can't see any but the latest without going to the notifications area [or have I missed something?]. Mark as read/ignore: Show the next unread notification I have; if there aren't any more, then finally close it.

It would be nice if the popup were less intrusive, or on demand. Like the whole Facebook thing being suggested. On a busy board, getting one of these every few pages would get pretty annoying, I think.

Comments in the sidebar appear to be stuck at less than 100% opacity... I'm not sure if this is a bug or feature. If it's a feature, it looks pretty bad... should be more visible.

You should really find a way to fix the URLs or headers so that browser caches aren't a problem for every site that upgrades!

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I also agree that the notification pop-up is very annoying. On large communities where people have hundreds of friends this would be a terrible addition.

We need a updater ala facebook to contain them better.

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Facebook notifications is definitely the way to go. I need to be able to disable the notifications for all my users - and only let them opt-in to have them. Otherwise I will get lots of complains because of these popups. Just take the current notification system and instead of popup them, put them on the right bar in a top block. Easy solved :D

On the start page I see dozens of "new status update from a friend" notifications. More useful would be "Marc. I am getting a donut now more ..." notification.

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Here's a few of my initial thoughts on IPB 3.1

I got a 'notification' from you but it only gives me the option to turn off notifications or 'go back' which then lists the 2 notifications I've received? Am I supposed to be able to reply to it like a PM? :unsure:
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Shared Links 5

Think it would be nice if we could set via ACP who shared which links, and perhaps to which service (maybe make it so only admin can see where it was shared).

I think having a list of who shared items will encourage people to share more. Also, perhaps there could be a 'top' sharers this week/day/month block, which will again encourage people to share things.

Even better, make it so people get rep points after sharing every X links.

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ehm.. on the boards index?

If you mean the page that lists all the forums to visit, accessible by clicking on the large graphic on the upper left hand portion of every page, they are not there for me.

I am renting a hosting community, and have not yet purchased IP.Board, could that have something to do with it?
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