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IPB 3.0.3 is released!


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Or, if your host gives you cPanel, just upload the ZIP into some directory, then decompress it there. It will create the necessary directory structure right there.

Drill down to the "upload" directory, select all files/folders within "upload", then drag and drop them into your forum root. Run the upgrade from the usual location (.../admin/upgrade/index.php)

I've done this since I first purchased IPB.

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Is it possible to call the folder board_3_0_3 say rather than just board.

Reason being is that when it is extracted onto the computer it saves a) overwriting the previous version and/or b) having to manually create a folder for it.


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[quote name='Gary.' date='03 September 2009 - 01:36 PM' timestamp='1251999419' post='1852157']
you say upload all fiels for the upgrade from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 ?

If I do this surly I would lose lots of modifications right ?

Depends, did you edit any of the files or their code? or just install apps/hooks?

Applications/hooks won't be lost, code modifications aka, edits to the files and their code, will be.

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[quote name='Gary.' date='03 September 2009 - 01:36 PM' timestamp='1251999419' post='1852157']
you say upload all fiels for the upgrade from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 ?

If I do this surly I would lose lots of modifications right ?

If those modifications edited source files, then yes. If they are hooks or applications, then you should be fine (for the most part).

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  • Management

I'll post this list here but use at your own risk as we had not planned on posting it.

Changed files since 3.0.2

admin api forums api_topic_view.php applications core extensions admin member_form.php coreExtensions.php coreVariables.php editorSections.php furlTemplates.php searchDisplay.php sphinxTemplate.php usercpForms.php modules_admin ajax livesearch.php applications applications.php defaultSection.php hooks.php setup.php diagnostics defaultSection.php diagnostics.php help defaultSection.php languages defaultSection.php manage_languages.php xml menu.xml login manualResolver.php logs adminlogs.php defaultSection.php emailerrorlogs.php emaillogs.php errorlogs.php modlogs.php spamlogs.php spiderlogs.php warnlogs.php mycp dashboard.php defaultSection.php posts bbcode.php defaultSection.php emoticons.php report defaultSection.php xml menu.xml sql defaultSection.php mssql.php system defaultSection.php security.php taskmanager.php xml menu.xml templates defaultSection.php importexport.php skindiff.php skinsets.php tools.php xml menu.xml tools api.php cache.php defaultSection.php login.php rebuild.php settings.php xml menu.xml modules_public ajax defaultSection.php editor.php facebook.php findnames.php login.php register.php reports.php reputation.php usercp.php attach attach.php defaultSection.php global captcha.php defaultSection.php login.php lostpass.php register.php reputation.php help defaultSection.php reports defaultSection.php reports.php search defaultSection.php search.php task manualResolver.php usercp manualResolver.php setup versions install sql core_mssql_inserts.php core_mssql_tables.php core_mysql_tables.php upg_23010 mssql_updates.php upg_30001 mssql_updates.php mssql_updates_1.php mssql_updates_2.php mssql_updates_3.php mssql_updates_4.php mssql_updates_5.php mssql_updates_6.php mssql_version_upgrade.php mysql_updates.php mysql_updates_1.php mysql_updates_3.php mysql_updates_6.php mysql_version_upgrade.php version_upgrade.php upg_30003 mssql_updates.php upg_30004 mssql_updates.php upg_30005 mssql_updates.php upg_30006 mssql_updates.php mysql_updates.php upg_30007 mssql_updates.php upg_30008 mssql_updates.php skin_cp cp_skin_adminlogs.php cp_skin_api.php cp_skin_applications.php cp_skin_diagnostics.php cp_skin_mycp.php cp_skin_rebuild.php cp_skin_spamlogs.php cp_skin_system.php cp_skin_templates.php cp_skin_tools.php sources classes attach class_attach.php plugin_blogcblock.php plugin_blogentry.php plugin_msg.php plugin_post.php reportPlugins downloads.php sql mssql_report_queries.php xml admin_core_language_pack.xml core_bbcode.xml core_lofi_css.xml core_lofi_templates.xml core_root_css.xml core_root_templates.xml core_settings.xml core_xmlskin_css.xml core_xmlskin_templates.xml public_core_language_pack.xml versions.xml forums app_class_forums.php extensions admin group_form.php member_form.php coreExtensions.php coreVariables.php editorSections.php furlTemplates.php memberSync.rename.php portalPlugins poll-cfg.php recent_topics-cfg.php recent_topics.php reputation.php searchDisplay.php searchPlugin.php sphinxTemplate.php usercpForms.php modules_admin ajax member_editform.php attachments defaultSection.php forums defaultSection.php forums.php moderator.php rss defaultSection.php export.php import.php statistics defaultSection.php stats.php tools defaultSection.php modules_public ajax attachments.php defaultSection.php markasread.php stats.php topics.php usercp.php extras boardrules.php defaultSection.php stats.php vote.php forums announcements.php attach.php boards.php defaultSection.php findpost.php forums.php markasread.php printtopic.php rules.php topics.php moderate moderate.php multimod.php post defaultSection.php post.php setup versions install sql forums_mssql_inserts.php forums_mssql_tables.php forums_mysql_tables.php skin_cp cp_skin_forums.php cp_skin_group_form.php cp_skin_member_form.php sources classes forums class_forums.php moderate.php post classPost.php classPostForms.php threaded.php tasks dailycleanout.php xml admin_forums_language_pack.xml forums_lofi_templates.xml forums_root_templates.xml forums_settings.xml forums_xmlskin_templates.xml hooks watched_items.xml public_forums_language_pack.xml versions.xml members extensions admin member_form.php coreExtensions.php coreVariables.php editorSections.php furlTemplates.php portalPlugins online_users-cfg.php searchDisplay.php searchPlugin.php sphinxTemplate.php usercpForms.php modules_admin ajax defaultSection.php editform.php bulkmail bulkmail.php defaultSection.php groups defaultSection.php groups.php permissions.php members banfilters.php customfields.php defaultSection.php members.php tools.php xml menu.xml restrictions defaultSection.php modules_public ajax card.php comments.php dname.php dst.php friends.php ignore.php load.php messenger.php rate.php settings.php status.php warn.php list defaultSection.php view.php messaging defaultSection.php send.php view.php online defaultSection.php online.php profile defaultSection.php friends.php spammer.php status.php view.php warn defaultSection.php setup versions install sql members_mssql_tables.php members_mysql_tables.php skin_cp cp_skin_groups.php cp_skin_member.php cp_skin_tools.php sources classes messaging messengerFunctions.php tabs aboutme.conf.php blog.conf.php gallery.conf.php idm.conf.php posts.conf.php topics.conf.php xml admin_members_language_pack.xml members_lofi_templates.xml members_root_css.xml members_root_templates.xml members_settings.xml members_xmlskin_templates.xml public_members_language_pack.xml versions.xml applications_addon ips blog app_class_blog.php extensions admin group_form.php contentBlocks cb_plugin_calendar.php cb_plugin_last_comments.php cb_plugin_last_entries.php coreExtensions.php memberSync.php searchPlugin.php usercpForms.php modules_admin blogs manage.php cblocks manage.php customize custom.php headers.php groups manage.php tools rebuild.php modules_public ajax cblocks.php display blog.php entry.php header.php list.php external trackback.php post mod.php setup versions install sql blog_mssql_fulltext.php blog_mssql_inserts.php blog_mssql_tables.php upg_20000 mssql_updates.php version_upgrade.php skin_cp cp_skin_blog.php cp_skin_blog_group_form.php sources lib akismet.class.php cblock_plugins.php entry_edit_entry.php entry_new_entry.php entry_reply_entry.php lib_blogfunctions.php lib_post.php sql mssql_blog_admin_queries.php mssql_blog_queries.php mysql_blog_admin_queries.php mysql_blog_queries.php pgsql_blog_admin_queries.php pgsql_blog_queries.php xml admin_blog_language_pack.xml blog_lofi_css.xml blog_lofi_templates.xml blog_root_css.xml blog_root_templates.xml blog_settings.xml blog_xmlskin_css.xml blog_xmlskin_templates.xml hooks blog_featured_entry.xml public_blog_language_pack.xml versions.xml calendar extensions coreExtensions.php coreVariables.php editorSections.php furlTemplates.php memberSync.php portalPlugins calendar-cfg.php rssOutput.php searchDisplay.php searchPlugin.php sphinxTemplate.php modules_admin calendar defaultSection.php modules_public calendar calendars.php defaultSection.php setup versions install sql calendar_mssql_inserts.php calendar_mssql_tables.php xml admin_calendar_language_pack.xml calendar_lofi_templates.xml calendar_root_css.xml calendar_root_templates.xml calendar_settings.xml calendar_xmlskin_templates.xml public_calendar_language_pack.xml versions.xml chat extensions coreExtensions.php coreVariables.php modules_admin addonchat defaultSection.php parachat defaultSection.php modules_public addonchat defaultSection.php ajax defaultSection.php parachat defaultSection.php xml admin_chat_language_pack.xml chat_lofi_templates.xml chat_root_css.xml chat_root_templates.xml chat_settings.xml chat_xmlskin_templates.xml hooks board_whos_chatting.xml public_chat_language_pack.xml versions.xml downloads app_class_downloads.php extensions admin group_form.php coreExtensions.php coreVariables.php editorSections.php memberSync.php portalPlugins random_downloads-cfg.php random_downloads.php recent_downloads-cfg.php recent_downloads.php top_downloads-cfg.php top_downloads.php searchDisplay.php searchPlugin.php sphinxTemplate.php usercpForms.php modules_admin categories categories.php defaultSection.php customize cfields.php defaultSection.php mimetypes.php index defaultSection.php stats.php tools defaultSection.php tools.php modules_public ajax comments.php defaultSection.php markasread.php progressbar.php rate.php display category.php defaultSection.php download.php file.php findpost.php index.php markasread.php moderate defaultSection.php post comments.php defaultSection.php submit.php setup versions install sql downloads_mssql_inserts.php downloads_mssql_tables.php upg_20004 mssql_updates.php mysql_updates.php sources api api_idm.php classes categories.php cfields.php comments.php functions.php moderate.php topics.php traffic.php traffic_browsers.php traffic_countries.php traffic_os.php versioning.php xml admin_downloads_language_pack.xml downloads_lofi_css.xml downloads_lofi_templates.xml downloads_root_css.xml downloads_root_templates.xml downloads_settings.xml downloads_xmlskin_css.xml downloads_xmlskin_templates.xml public_downloads_language_pack.xml versions.xml gallery app_class_gallery.php extensions admin group_form.php coreExtensions.php coreVariables.php editorSections.php memberSync.php portalPlugins gallery-cfg.php searchDisplay.php searchPlugin.php sphinxTemplate.php usercpForms.php modules_admin albums defaultSection.php manage.php cats defaultSection.php manage.php groups defaultSection.php manage.php media defaultSection.php manage.php overview defaultSection.php overview.php postform defaultSection.php postform.php stats defaultSection.php stats.php tools defaultSection.php tools.php modules_public ajax defaultSection.php getalbums.php photostrip.php rate.php cats defaultSection.php list.php markread.php images avatar.php defaultSection.php ecard.php fav.php img_ctrl.php rate.php slideshow.php viewimage.php post comment.php defaultSection.php image.php mod.php stats defaultSection.php stats.php subscribe defaultSection.php subscribe.php user defaultSection.php user.php setup versions install sql gallery_mssql_inserts.php gallery_mssql_tables.php upg_30000 version_upgrade.php upg_30006 mssql_updates.php skin_cp cp_skin_gallery.php sources libs lib_albums.php lib_categories.php lib_comments.php lib_formfields.php lib_gallery.php lib_imagelisting.php lib_mod.php lib_notifications.php lib_rate.php zip.lib.php xml admin_gallery_language_pack.xml gallery_lofi_css.xml gallery_lofi_templates.xml gallery_root_css.xml gallery_root_templates.xml gallery_settings.xml gallery_xmlskin_css.xml gallery_xmlskin_templates.xml hooks gallery_images_board_index.xml public_gallery_language_pack.xml versions.xml portal extensions coreExtensions.php coreVariables.php portalPlugins portal-cfg.php modules_admin portal defaultSection.php modules_public portal defaultSection.php portal.php xml admin_portal_language_pack.xml portal_lofi_templates.xml portal_root_templates.xml portal_settings.xml portal_xmlskin_templates.xml public_portal_language_pack.xml versions.xml other subscriptions extensions coreVariables.php memberSync.php modules_admin subscriptions manage.php xml menu.xml modules_public subscriptions paysubs.php setup versions install sql subscriptions_mysql_inserts.php subscriptions_mysql_tables.php subscriptions_mysql_uninstall.php skin_cp cp_skin_paysubs.php images ps_oneoff.png ps_recurring.png tr_active.png tr_canceled.png tr_inactive.png tr_pending.png tr_willexpire.png sources classes classGateway.php gateways apis authorizenet.php paypal.php protx.php safshop.php sagepay.php hooks gateway.php subsLib.php tasks doexpiresubs.php expiresubs.php xml hooks.xml hooks badge.xml user_menu.xml public_subscriptions_language_pack.xml subscriptions_lofi_templates.xml subscriptions_root_templates.xml subscriptions_settings.xml subscriptions_xmlskin_templates.xml versions.xml extensions coreVariables.php sphinxTemplate.php userAgents.php js acp.js acp.languages.js acp.members.js acp.tabbed_basic_editor.js acp.templates.js acp.uagents.js setup applications install sections index.php install.php upgrade sections overview.php upgrade.php sources base ipsRegistry_setup.php setup.php classes output output.php session sessions.php sql ipb3_mssql.php mssql_install.php templates skin_setup.php xml attachments.xml config.xml groups.xml skin_cp acp_editor.css cp_skin_global.php sources action_admin index.html sql_mssql.php base core.php ipsController.php ipsRegistry.php classes bbcode core.php custom defaults.php class_localization.php class_public_permissions.php class_reputation_cache.php customfields profileFields.php editor class_editor_rte.php itemmarking classItemMarking.php member memberFunctions.php output adminOutput.php formats coreOutput.php html htmlOutput.php publicOutput.php search sphinxIndexPlugin.php session adminSessions.php publicSessions.php skins skinCaching.php skinFunctions.php skinImportExport.php tags tags.php handlers han_editor.php han_login.php han_parse_bbcode.php loginauth convert auth.php external auth.php ipconverge auth.php login_core.php openid Auth OpenID.php OpenID BigMath.php Consumer.php auth.php converge_local apis server_functions.php interface blog apis server_blogger.php server_metaweblog.php xmlrpc.php board index.php live.php modules ipb api.php public js 3rd_party prototype.js ipb.js ips.attach.js ips.attachajax.js ips.blog.js ips.downloads.js ips.editor.js ips.gallery.js ips.help.js ips.messenger.js ips.profile.js ips.quickpm.js ips.rating.js ips.search.js ips.signin.js ips.topic.js ips.ucp.js min builder index.php config.php index.php lib HTTP ConditionalGet.php Encoder.php JSMin.php Minify.php Minify CSS.php CSS Compressor.php UriRewriter.php Cache File.php Controller Base.php Files.php Groups.php MinApp.php Page.php HTML.php ImportProcessor.php Lines.php Packer.php Source.php mp3player.swf resources skins replacements_lofi.xml replacements_root.xml replacements_xmlskin.xml setsData.xml style_css ipb_rtl.css ipb_rtl_ie.css master_css ipb_editor.css ipb_ie.css ipb_messenger.css ipb_print.css ipb_styles.css style_images master live.gif rte_icons resize_big.png resize_small.png tab_left.png tab_right.png topic_button_right.png topic_button_right_closed.png topic_button_right_disabled.png topic_button_right_hover.png

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[quote name='CAC Web Studios' date='03 September 2009 - 01:40 PM' timestamp='1251999616' post='1852159']
I noticed the MP3 Player in the public folder, how do you activate that. Or is it unusable as of yet?

It's used when you use the media tag to link to an mp3 file in 3.0.3. Might need to verify your media bbcode definitions were updated in the ACP (Look and Feel tab) first, as I'm not positive the upgrader updates those (in case you've modified them).

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[quote name='tAPir' date='03 September 2009 - 02:27 PM' timestamp='1252002452' post='1852177']
I've upgraded and my board is stuffed. Have tried disabling all the hooks and mods and goes from a critical error to:

I've tried recaching but no luck so far.

I recommend you submit a ticket.

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[quote name='pisaldi' date='03 September 2009 - 06:09 PM' timestamp='1251994159' post='1852128']
What about Language Manager ????

If I update, will it convert ALL my translated strings to "Out of Date Entries" ??? :o

Nothing is commented and is a matter to be solved...

Please, can anybody tell me this ???

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[quote name='bfarber' date='03 September 2009 - 07:21 PM' timestamp='1252002102' post='1852175']
It's used when you use the media tag to link to an mp3 file in 3.0.3. Might need to verify your media bbcode definitions were updated in the ACP (Look and Feel tab) first, as I'm not positive the upgrader updates those (in case you've modified them).

How do you use this then Brandon, what should the default for the tag be?

I just get a link on my board... no sign of a player. I've not altered the tag from default though.

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[quote name='texterted' date='03 September 2009 - 08:13 PM' timestamp='1252005236' post='1852198']
How do you use this then Brandon, what should the default for the tag be?

I just get a link on my board... no sign of a player. I've not altered the tag from default though.

This should help :)

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[quote name='Neil C' date='03 September 2009 - 08:27 PM' timestamp='1252006020' post='1852204']
This should help smile.gif

Thanks for that Neil... I'm still just getting a link tho!

I'm checking permissions and things now...


Ah, I can get it to work now by typing in the [ media ] tag... it just won't work off the media button.


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